Monday, January 19, 2015

Holy Smokes! (That's All I Have To Say)

So this week was simply just full of crazy events! So I'm just going to get right to it. So on tuesday we were driving back from Grenville to pick up Elder Pierson and Padilla because they both needed to come down to take Elder Pierson and Elder Leany to the airport early in the morning. So on the way back we were driving on this narrow road and this car passes us way to close and just drills our mirror! It was nuts! I will send a pic of it! But anyway this car that hits us claims that it's our fault so Elder Leany had to pay them and then we went back and saw people but that was about it. Then early morning we took them to the airport at 5 and it was hard saying goodbye to those two. I miss them lots! But we dropped them off, went back to the apartment and got ready then we went to pick up the new missionary in gouyave and we got him at 6:45. His name is Elder Bowen and he will be great in the zone. We are really excited to have him! But anyway we then drive him to Gouyave and it was pouring like crazy! Like there were rivers in the streets crazy! So we had to stay there in Gouyave until that calmed down. Then after waiting there for about an hour we went back to our area and ran some more errands and then taught some people which was great and then we went to pick up Elder Padilla's comp at 9 in the evening and his flight ended getting delayed until 11:30. IT was crazy! So then we come home and get like 6 hours of sleep and we are off again! So we think, our tire had gotten a huge screw in it and we weren't really able to drive to far. So we had to change it and that took forever but we were finally off by about 2 after fixing that and taking Elder Padilla's comp to places he needed to go. So then we got back to our area by about 5 and we were able to work. But yeah our week was crazy! 
So we were also able to get in contact with Abieshur and we are working with her! She is great and is planning on getting baptized soon! I love this work! Things are great with Elder 
Bingham and we are really excited for this transfer! I love you all! Have a great week! 
With Love,
Elder Smith

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